Monday, June 15, 2009


My Dear Child, I am writing this letter to you because I want your help in this end time because you are precious to me same way everyone is precious to me so all I want you to do is to spread my word to this world by telling about me to them. Poor people they are not able to get the point I am thy Lord. Tell them that I Love them so much that I died on the cross for them and I have paid the penalty for their sins already.

I am not able to see the sins my children are doing it really hurts my feelings when I see my innocent children turning against me. I weep when I see all this that even after I shed my blood on the cross the result is such a way. But don’t fear I am not going to curse you for what you have done in your past I want you to BORN AGAIN and take up your cross and follow me. You are like a lost sheep for me I am ready to leave all the 99 sheep’s and for you. All they need to do is to accept me as your Savior. And I am giving this responsibility to spread the Gospel to the world. Remember before you preach my word I want you to confess all your sins and thy bad taught remember what I told you to 2000 years back; Love your neighbors as you Love yourself.

So see that thy soul is sin-free. Remember my Holy Spirit will be with you always in what ever you do for me. So my dear child the end-time is not so far. We are going to meet soon. Remember you can’t enter the kingdom but by me. From now onwards the responsibility is yours. I will keep in touch with you in prayer. If you can spare a couple of minutes for me can you forward my mail to you known ones………….


Casey said...

Yes, I am born again and I am thanking Jesus for the Cross.